While Motivations for joining the Special Olympics vary from one person and one family to the next, common themes among individuals that choose to either participate or abstain from becoming involved are easily identified.
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The Special Olympics originated from Eunice Kennedy Shrivers' mission to provide a place for children with intellectual disabilities to play. In the 1960s she began a camp for young people with intellectual disabilities in her backyard with the goal of teaching children they can succeed in sports and other activities.[1] This idea has grown into a global event; the last of which was held in Athens, Greece the Summer of 2011. Over 7,000 athletes from 170 countries took place in the 2011 Special Olympics World Summer Games. The Special Olympics' motto "Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt" encourages people with intellectual disabilities to challenge themselves within the Special Olympics program.[1]
Many studies around the participants of the Special Olympics point to the Self-Determination Theory[2] The Self Detemination Theory is a theory of motivations. This theory was developed by Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan at the University of Rochester.[3] This theory explains that our tendencies to behave in healthy and effective ways are instinctual.
Athletes get involved with the Special Olympics organization in different ways. Most (eighty-seven percent) join Special Olympics programs before the age of eighteen either through a school based program or a community based program.[4] The athlete joins to have fun, establish a sense of self identity as well as achieving trophies and medals.[5] It is typical once an athlete gets involved in a Special Olympic program to stay within the program for eleven to twenty years. During this time the athletes, along with training for their event once a week, participate in social activities with teammates outside of training.[4] These participants are able to feel comfortable and really build relationships with their teammates because most coaches of Special Olympics teams have had participants stay on their team for six or more years in the same sport.[4] This is magnified by having a supportive environment from family, friends, coaches and teammates.[5] Families have stated that they support their athlete to join the Special Olympics because it provides a support system for not only their child but the family as well. Of all the athletes in the United States that participate in the Special Olympics only three percent make it to compete at the global level, however thirty-eight percent compete at the state level and the majority, fifty-two percent , compete at the local or regional level.[4] By having different levels of participation the Special Olympics are able to include all athletes with intellectual disabilities on a personal level.
Although many students get involved through a school or community based program, the parents of the athlete have a lot of influence and make the final decision on whether their child will be allowed to participate in the Special Olympics. There was a study done to look at why parents allowed their children to become Special Olympic Athletes and if their expectations were fulfilled by the organization. There were three main themes that parents looked for in the organization; finding the right fit, thoughtful instruction, and security of acceptance.[6] After the study was completed, statistics prove that 80% of the parents felt their children received a benefit from participating in the Special Olympics. Eighty-seven percent of the parents also reported an increase in their children's independence, community awareness, adaptability to new situations, and social capabilities.[6] Also, only two and a half percent indicated that the segregated nature of the program was a weakness.
Finding the right fit for a child is the most important aspect in creating an environment where the athlete can learn as well as succeed with all the confidence it takes to achieve their goals. Many parents stated that their children started in community based programs with other children in their community. However once they grew up the difference in motor skills between children without developmental handicaps became too great for their children to succeed.[6] Many parents say their children can't succeed in community based programs because instructors don't understand the Self-Determination Theory. The instructors must be able to set goals for their children in achievable amounts much like the coaches in the Special Olympics do.
As mentioned before children gain social competence while being involved in the Special Olympics. Parents of athletes however have also noted that learning rules, working with others, setting goals, succeeding due to hard work and coping with failure were all attributes gained by participating in the Special Olympics program.[6] Many parents see an increase in peer relationships through their children after joining teams and getting involved in the Special Olympics. Yet, many parents appreciate the program for themselves as well. The program becomes a welcoming environment for parents. They are able to feel connected and understood by the other parents involved in the program.[6] Many parents felt pressured in community based programs to take responsibility and pull their kids out of the activity if anything went wrong. These kids were then looked at as jeopardizing the integrity of the program they were involved in.[6]
Getting involved in the Special Olympics is also a way to have these athletes engage in physical activity. A study done shows that there is a very noticeable disconnect between the importance of exercise in adults with special needs and the willingness to complete these daily exercises. Studies like these have also shown children and adults with special needs respond differently to physical exercise. This directly relates to the high levels of Cardiovascular disease, obesity, and low muscle capacity in adults with intellectual disabilities.[7] By not having the muscle capacity adults with intellectual disabilities also do not have what is considered average endurance. This along with producing health risks puts a hindrance on the ability for these adults to perform at work.[7] Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death for the United States population; there is no exception for adults with intellectual disabilities. Cardiovascular disease is actually more prevalent in adults with intellectual disabilities. It accounts for up to fifty percent of deaths in certain populations.[8]
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS) states that regular physical activity greatly reduces risk for morbidity and mortality associated with chronic diseases, diabetes, certain cancers and obesity.[9] The physical activity recommendations stay consistent throughout special needs youth. The recommendations say that a child should participate in sixty minutes or more of age and developmentally appropriate physical activity every day of the week.[9] These aforementioned diseases or illnesses start to come about when these kids are not meeting this recommendation.
Many athletes that participate in the Special Olympics gain much more than just physical fitness. Athletes that join the Special Olympics organization have been shown to have an increased self worth and social competence. Generally, competence comes from a positive self worth and positive motivation.[10] Many studies have been produced to find out how big of an impact Special Olympics has been on the lives of its participants. A study done at York University has shown that participants gain self-esteem, confidence,and independence. These athletes have also been able to promote community understanding of people with disabilities.[10] These studies have also shown these changes to take place after an eight to ten week training period, but with some athletes it only took one–two days.[10] Family support, understanding and involvement also increases with the participants confidence; once the athlete is more invested, then the family becomes invested as well.[10]
The United States Department of Health and Human Services states that by meeting the physical recommendations on a daily basis, it will lead to positive behavior, happiness, and intellectual and social outcomes in youth.[9]
Many children with developmental disabilities have an abundance of friends throughout their youth. Children during the elementary years are accepting of disabilities and went out of their way to make children with disabilities feel included in school. However, as kids grow up and mature socially, the children with developmental or intellectual disabilities were left isolated and deemed socially awkward. The Special Olympics becomes a safe haven for these kids and brings balance back into the athletes' lives. The relationships that the athletes form with one another are different than the ones they are able to form in schools because participants understand each other and are able to bond over a mutual interest and goal. The relationships started in the Special Olympics turn into great friendships that carry over into the every day lives of these athletes. The idea of isolation or sitting at home with their parents is completely lost.[6]
There are some views that discourage members to join the Special Olympics. Some feel that the Special Olympics in itself are a form of segregation. This is because of the necessity to have a disability to participate. Some studies have shown that Special Olympic events do not lead to the reduction of Prejudice and also reinforces the stereo type of people with intellectual disabilities.[11] One of the main arguments against the Special Olympics organization is that there is a lack of normalization and promotion of negative images.[11] The lack of normalization comes from the differences in reaction to events. For example in previous years the Special Olympics would find people to stand at the finish line to hug the athletes once they've completed a race. Also, they Special Olympics does not announce anyone who's lost a race.[11] These rules are not followed in other competitions and are solely found within the Special Olympics guidelines. These are not logical actions and processes for Special Olympics participants to be exposed to.
There are many other documented reasons that people show disdain such as promotion of Handicappism, promotion of corporations, paternalism, athletic ability.[11] The promotion of Handicappism is a theory that when a set of practice is put in place to promote unequal treatment of people because of assumed mental disability it creates two classes of people "normal" and "disabled".[11] The integration of Corporations within the Special Olympics does help with fundraising and creates a large sum of donations to make these games possible. Yet, most of the promotions are more Public Relations related than promoting their hiring practices for people with intellectual disabilities. The term Paternalism is used to describe how the Special Olympics Organization is run. The board of directors have recognized only two of their board to have developmental disabilities. Therefore, the people doing the decision making and have the power of running this program are the people without disabilities. This is a negative image on the Disability rights movement where people with disabilities control the service delivery system rather than relying on people without disabilities.[11] Athletic Ability becomes a problem for some skeptics that believe the athletes participating in the Special Olympics would be able to participate in competitive sports with non-disabled participants successfully.
The promotion of negative self images is due to the media coverage of Special Olympic events. Press coverage of the Special Olympics endorse sympathy and pity for the athletes with intellectual disabilities. They also reinforce negative stereotypes for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities. The press coverage does not take into consideration individual cases and lumps together the entire Special Olympic Athletes into an article. [11] The media also tends to cover other aspects than just the Special Olympic events which cuts the amount of respect for the goals these athletes have accomplished. For example the Pittsburgh Press had a picture of an athlete being hugged with the caption "Special Hug".[11]
Additionally, the point that digs the deepest with people who oppose the Special Olympics is the language that the press chooses to use to describe the Special Olympics athletes. The words the press uses to describe people with intellectual disabilities are not only offensive but are demeaning as well. Below are two articles that covered the Special Olympics.
"Chad McFarlane, 13, of Medford triumphs over retardation and his own hesitance in cross-country skiing at the Special Olympics...Part of a world-wide network, the Oregon games this year drew about 400 athletes who suffer from mental retardation to Mount Bachelor during the weekend to ski, skate, and even dance just for fun at a party in Sunriver."
"Suppose behind the vacant, empty eyes, the gold medal on the red, white and blue ribbon dazzled them and meant something. Is it possible that the mouth that could not control saliva was willed by the brain to smile, but the muscles just couldn't do it?"
These quotes provide a perfect example on how press coverage highlights the differences between people with intellectual disabilities and the people reading those articles. These writers also belittled these athletes accomplishments by regarding these athletes unworthy. There are no guidelines and a grave lack of knowledge when it comes to reporters covering the Special Olympics. These words can deeply upset readers as well as the participants by continually using the wrong language when covering the wrong part of the story.
The Special Olympic events promote a lack of functional skill and that the events are not age appropriate which further widens the gap between people with special needs and those temporarily able bodied.[11] Conversely, many people think that the participants would be able to successfully participate in competitive sports with non-disabled athletes. One of the biggest concerns is that these participants are not learning Functional skills, they are instead training for events that are not practical in enhancing their standard of life. For example, the softball throw event has the athlete throw a softball towards a spot in the ground rather than gaining the ability to throw the ball accurately to a teammate.[11] These functional skills are important because it decides the ability for a person with disabilities to be able to perform tasks independently or rely on others to complete.
As previously stated, one of the reasons participants become involved in the Special Olympics is to create relationships and make friends outside of their immediate family. On the other hand, there relationships are said to be surface level and short termed.[11] Especially between the participants and the volunteers. Many volunteers are just in charge of helping out and setting up events and get very little to no action with the athletes besides a few side conversations. This leads to making acquaintances and then maybe keeping in touch after the closing ceremonies of the Special Olympics.[11]
Another issue with maintaining self esteem especially for the adults that participate in the Special Olympics is the age-appropriateness of activities. In order to maintain age-appropriateness by definition the program must have activities that are consistent with a persons' chronological age. One of the goals for the Special Olympics is to bridge the gap between people with and without disabilities; and having inappropriate activities exaggerates the difference and therefore should be avoided. By an adult with intellectual disabilities participating in what may seem like a child-like activity it will affect how he/she is perceived by others. This leads to the infantilization of adults with disabilities which leads to these participants being denied adult status and dignity.[11] Below are a few examples of how the infantilization of adults reinforces the stereotype that adults with disabilities are equal to children in the general public.
"It just proves that something can be done for these children" - Volunteer
"The event gives kids the change to compete" -Cowles (1998)
"Special day for Special kids..." - Special Day 1999
The impact of these quotes turn long term for how the general public views adults with intellectual disabilities. This also affects many adults with disabilities that choose not to participate in the Special Olympics.